Melanie: She
loves the freedom of traveling and the chance to create beauty.
Also happy to meet and greet all the lovely people that visit
the shop. Will make small talk about her son Gus "til
the cows come home!" Also loves it that her degree in
Anthropology comes in so handy.
Here are some of Melanie's Braids...click
for larger image |
Single Up with Five Twists
| Seven Strand Single with Three Twists
Eclectic fun with several Twists
Two Five Strands into a Nine Strand Tail
Two Five Strands into a Five Strand Tail
Pigs with a Zig
Cascaded Classic w/ Feathered Bun & 3 Twists
Cascaded Classic
Cascaded Lace Crown w/Five Twists  |
Partial Heart with Three Twists  |
Classic with Six Twists
Seven Strand Classic w/Five Twists
Nine Strand Classic  |
French Crown with Six Twists  |
Hidden Five Strand French Crown  |
Lace Crown with Four Twists  |
Seven Strand French Crown w/Feathered Bun & 2 Twists  |
Swirl  |
Royal Spiral  |